We have been participants in the programs and plans of the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute since 2013. As part of the iConquerMS.org team, we have worked to build a comprehensive system that can support the needs of any PPRN. And we have developed and refined our solution and services to support PCORI sponsored projects.
Fast, Easy, Economical: If you are starting a new research study, you will have lots to do designing study instruments, developing informed consent documents, securing IRB approvals, developing a recruiting plan, etc. While you are doing that work, we will be implementing your new website. We will need your input and artifacts as we do our work but your new website will be ready for launch when you need it. We have developed the technology and implementation approach to be easy on your time and easy on your budget.
Adaptive Data Repository: Our repository can easily accommodate additions and modifications. You may want to ask additional questions of a subset of users while you study is in-flight or to change a question based on testing your study instruments. As PCORNet extends and adapts the Common Data Model, you will be able to easily adapt and extend the data that you collect to stay in synch. The repository can also automatically adapt to accept data in patient’s electronic medical records. Our adaptive data repository greatly reduces or eliminates a lot of the cost and effort of extending studies and accommodating data exchanges with partners and sponsors.
Secure Data Storage: Our repository keeps patient identity records and health records in separate repositories. Both are encrypted as is the the linkage between the two parts of any patient’s record. This structure ensures the security of the data while allowing you to provide anonymized or de-identified data to PCORI/PCORNet. It also allows you to easily re-identify patient data when required.
Configurable Features: You need to hit your recruiting targets. Our ability to support your recruiting programs and approaches with a rich set of user features and functions really sets our system apart. Mobile presence, social networking integration, dynamically generated graphs and charts, forums, blogs, user tailored resources, partner referrals, third-party registration facilities, dynamic data submissions, EMR support, … the list is nearly endless. With thousands of plug-in modules available, you can create a website like no other. Best of all, you can add and remove features as you see what your community likes best and what works best to attract registrations, data submissions, and return visits to your site.